When interacting with the SureCheckUSA website, all browser traffic is encrypted. We utilize an ECC algorithm for encryption that help ensure the privacy of website communication sessions while providing a faster response.

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and the Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) algorithm are both widely used public-key cryptosystems, but they differ in several key aspects:

  1. Key Size:
    • ECC uses shorter keys for equivalent security. For example, a 256-bit ECC key provides roughly the same security as a 3072-bit RSA key.
    • RSA relies on larger keys due to its reliance on modular exponentiation.
  2. Computational Efficiency:
    • ECC operations (such as key generation, encryption, and decryption) are faster than RSA operations.
    • RSA involves more complex modular arithmetic, making it computationally heavier.
  3. Space Efficiency:
    • ECC certificates are smaller, which benefits resource-constrained devices (e.g., IoT devices).
    • RSA certificates are larger due to the key size.
  4. Security Strength:
    • Both ECC and RSA provide strong security when implemented correctly.
    • ECC’s security is based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, while RSA relies on the integer factorization problem.
  5. Vulnerabilities:
    • RSA is susceptible to attacks if the key size is insufficient (e.g., when using small keys).
    • ECC is generally more resilient against quantum attacks.
  6. Standardization:
    • RSA has been widely used and standardized for a longer time.
    • ECC gained popularity due to its efficiency and is now widely adopted.