This Privacy Policy applies to SureCheckUSA, LLC (“Company”) and governs data collection and website usage.

“Portal” refers to the website that clients use to access Company services.
“Website” refers to this information website.
“Client” refers to an individual or entity that utilizes the services of Company.

The Website does not collect or store information about visitors to the site. This site is for informational purposes about the services offered by Company.

The Client may provide personally identifiable information (“PII”) data through the Portal if resolution services for search results are requested. PII data may include the following:

  • First, middle and last name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Social Security Number
  • Date of birth

The Company may collect Portal usage information such as:

  • Login, logout, and other usage date and time stamps
  • Service requests
  • Additions and changes to profile information
  • Acceptance of portal website usage agreement

The Portal allows a subscribing Client to access Company services. Information provided by the Client may include name, address, date of birth, social security number, and NPI. This information may be provided for entities associated with the Client.
In order to utilize Company’s search service, Client must provide a first and last name for individuals or company name for a business.
If the Client wants the Company to perform search result resolutions, the Client may need to provide date of birth, social security number and NPI depending on the search result data source. The Client may choose to perform their own resolutions of data source search results and would not need to provide additional information.

Portal use of Client provided information

  • Provide the Client with services as requested
  • Notify the Client about changes to our services
  • Carry out obligations and enforce rights arising from contracts
  • Inform the Client of other services available from the Company.

Sharing Information with Third Parties

The Company does not sell, rent, or lease its customer lists to third parties. Information provided by customer in the Portal may be shared with data source designated individuals or entered into data source provided resolution web pages for the purpose of determining whether the subject of a search result matches a Client profile.

Security of Your Personal Information

The Company secures your data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure using encrypted communications and database encryption, among other measures.

Email Communications

From time to time, the Company may contact the Client via email for announcements, promotional offers, and other communications.

Changes to This Policy Statement

The Company reserves the right to change this Policy. Clients will be notified of significant changes through email or a prominent notice on our site.

Contact Information

The Company welcomes your questions regarding this Policy. Email your inquiry to